Measuring the Success

New Tour Leaders Work Placement into Job Market
One of the primary indicators of PTL's success is the number of trainees who transition into professional tour leaders. This metric reflects the program's effectiveness in providing the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in this role. It also showcases how well the training aligns with industry needs.

Securing Job Offers & New Tourism Business Venture
Beyond becoming tour leaders, PTL also prepares participants for broader opportunities in the tourism sector. Tracking the number of trainees who secure jobs or manage job offers highlights the program's relevance and adaptability, as well as its ability to bridge the gap between training and real-world opportunities.

Made the Travel Dream a Reality For Everyone
PTL is not just about skills but also about fulfilling aspirations. Success can be measured by how the program has empowered participants to pursue their passion for travel and explore opportunities in the tourism industry. This includes personal growth, confidence-building, and the realization of their dream to work in a dynamic and inspiring field.
Name : Nizamuddin (UNA)
Name : Aidaroyani (Aeda)
Name : Hafizah (Fiza)
PTL All Star